Industrial Hearing Loss Claims | Industrial Deafness
If you have worked in noise and are experiencing signs of hearing loss then you may be eligible for a Industrial Hearing Loss Claim in South Australia. Our expert team will assist with your industrial hearing loss claim and provide any relevant information you may require.
What is Industrial Hearing Loss?
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Industrial hearing loss can also be referred to as industrial deafness, noise-induced hearing loss and/or work cover hearing loss.
The hearing loss which occurs is a result from working for extended periods of time in noisy environments. Common industries that are affected are:
- Mining Industry
- Construction Industry
- Agriculture Industry
- Transport Industry (Truck, Heavy or Train Driving)
- Emergency Services (Police, Fire, SES, Ambulance)
- Manufacturing / Processing / Factory
- Industrial Cleaning, Cooking
- Hospitality Industry
Are you eligible for an Industrial Hearing Loss claim?

The impact of noise is one of the major contributors to hearing loss. Many of us have worked in noise throughout our careers which may have impacted on your ability to hear and as a result you may require assistance to help with impact it has had on your hearing.
If you are a South Australian worker and have sustained a hearing impairment due to work-related noise exposure then you may be eligible for an industrial hearing loss claim. Benefits include: High Quality Hearing Aids every 5 years, Possible Lump-Sum compensation starting at $10,000, Annual Hearing Assessments and Adjustments, On-going servicing and support for your hearing aids.
Independent Hearing‘s expert team will assist with your claim and use an experienced legal team who will assist with lodging the claim on your behalf. To find out more book a FREE no-obligation appointment with one our our Hearing Care Professionals.
What are the common symptoms of Noise lnduced Hearing Loss?
There are many symptoms that may indicate you have a noise induced hearing loss. Noise induced hearing loss or also commonly referred to as industrial hearing loss typically affects the high pitched frequencies which create specific types of hearing difficulties for individuals.
Below are some of the more common symptoms faced by individuals affected by noise induced hearing loss.
– Difficulty hearing conversation in background noise and noisy environments. (E.g. Pub, Restaurants, Weddings, Parties etc.)
– Turning the Television, Phone, Radio volume up louder in order to hear it better.
– Miss hearing parts of conversation or requiring the need for regular repeats. (Saying things like What did you say? or Can you repeat that?)
– Commonly people with noise induced hearing loss may experience tinnitus (ringing, static, buzzing sounds in ears)
– Isolating yourself from social situations or not wanting to attend parties/functions etc. Due to difficulty hearing in crowds/background noise
– Voices are sounding soft, muffled and unclear. Often people may sound like they are mumbling when speaking to you or others.

NO WIN | NO FEE Arrangements
Industrial Hearing Loss Claims
Successful claims may receive compensation starting at $10,000 + High Quality Hearing Aids and ongoing medical expenses
Request my FREE AppointmentFAQ's About Industrial Deafness Claims
In this section, We will answer the most commonly asked questions about industrial deafness claims to help you understand the process and take appropriate actions accordingly.
What Is Noise-induced Hearing Loss?
Noise-induced hearing loss is usually caused by exposure to excessively loud noise over a period of time that cannot be corrected medically or surgically. The hearing loss results from damage to the delicate structures and nerve fibres located in the inner ear that are used in the processing of sound to the brain.
The severity of noise induced hearing loss varies depending on how long or often you were exposed to noise. Although typically damage occurs of a longer period of time there are instances where permanent damage has been caused from a once off exposure to a loud noise source (e.g. explosion).
Independent Hearing specialises in identifying noise induced hearing loss and have a team in place to assist their customers with noise induced hearing loss claims.
If you would like to find out more on how to make a claim then book an appointment with one of our specialists by calling (08)8331 1500.
How Are Hearing Loss Claims Reviewed?
Making a claim can be a complicated process, Independent Hearing has a specialised team who are dedicated to assisting customers with their industrial hearing loss claim on their behalf.
First step is to have an assessment with one of our specialists and the information is then forwarded on to our legal team. From there the legal team will conduct all the necessary paperwork and lodge an application on your behalf to start the claiming process. Your claim will then be reviewed typically by Work Cover SA or equivalent body and from there it will be assessed.
Once an outcome is reached the legal team will be notified and contact will be made with the customer to advise them how to proceed.
How Long Does a Hearing Loss Claims Take?
It is important to understand that because each claim for hearing loss compensation is different, and every claimant’s circumstances are unique. It’s is difficult to say precisely how long a claim will take. Typically claims take between 3 months and 18 months to reach an outcome.
How much does an Industrial Hearing Loss claim usually cost?
Our legal team will discuss our costs prior to starting a claim. For peace of mind, we act on a No Win, No Fee basis so if your claim is unsuccessful there will be no costs involved.
Legal fees will only be payable if you are eligible to receive lump sum monetary compensation.
What compensation can WorkSafe provide?
If approved work cover will pay for all reasonable medical expenses related to the hearing loss claim.
This includes:
- Hearing Aids every 5 years
- Batteries and maintenance of devices
- Annual hearing assessments and monitoring
On many occasions you may also be eligible for lump sum compensation relevant to the level of injury you have sustained. Typically lump sum compensation starts at $10,000 and has been know to go as high as $50,000+
What Is The Average Settlement For Hearing Loss Claims?
As every industrial hearing loss claim is unique to the individual and their working circumstance, compensation will vary from case to case.
Typically hearing loss compensation starts at $10,000 and can go up above $50,000.
To find out more contact us on (08)8331 1500.
Can I Claim The Cost Of Hearing Aids?
Yes. If you have previously purchased a set of hearing aids to assist with your noise-induced hearing loss and your claim is successful then you may be eligible for re-imbursement of expenses for the injury.
You will also be eligible to have your hearing aids replaced every 5 years with the latest hearing aid technology.
How Does Worksafe Decide Which Employer Is Liable For A Hearing Loss Claim?
Hearing loss injuries can occur over a long period of time. The legislation was written to allocate liability for all hearing loss claims to one employer, based on the last date that you were exposed to noise at work.
This will ideally be determined during the claim process and does not always fall on the last employer you worked for.
To find out more contact (08)8331 1500 to speak with one of our specialists