Hearing Up Network - Dr Cliff Approved Provider

Luke Argent
Director & Senior Audiometrist
Luke is a Co-founder/Director and Senior Audiometrist at Independent Hearing and graduated with a Diploma of Audiometry in 2018. He holds a Qualified Practitioner (QP) number with the Federal Government’s Hearing Services Program.
Luke has been involved with the hearing industry since 2015 when he co-founded the business ‘Eyre Hearing’. Due to an expansion of the business in 2020 it was rebranded to its current name ‘Independent Hearing’.

Vicki Fountain
Director & Senior Audiometrist
Vicki is a Co-founder/Director and Senior Audiometrist at Independent Hearing. She graduated with her certificate IV in Audiometric Assessment 2012 and a Diploma in Hearing Aid Prescription and Evaluation in 2013. She holds a Qualified Practitioner (QP) number with the Federal Government’s Hearing Services Program.
Vicki has been involved with the hearing industry since 2011. She was a co-founder of the business ‘Eyre Hearing’ now known as Independent Hearing.
What is Best Practice Audiology?
Assessment and Goal Setting: Ensuring a full comprehensive hearing assessment is conducted, goals and intended outcomes discussed
Technical Aspects of Treatment: Test Box measures are conducted, devices are verified using real ear measures
Orientation, Counseling and Follow-up: Ensuring a detailed hearing aid orientation appt is conducted and patient is followed up regularly
Assessing Outcomes (Validation): The Use of certified validation tools to ensure the clients needs and outcomes are met
Did You Know? Only about 20% of hearing providers follow best practices in audiology… choosing a Dr. Cliff approved provider ensures that you will receive hearing care that includes Best Practices… leading to your best hearing in the situations and the people that matter the most.